Department DICAM – Call for the selections for the awarding of no. 1 research fellowship project PRIN 2022 CUP E53D23003450006 Dott. Pedone (Decree no. 399/2023)
Posted date
Closing date
Type of notice
Research contracts
Centre or department
Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Scientific coordinator
Dott. Giuseppe Pedone
Contact information
contatti block
A selection process has been called for the awarding of no. 1 Research Fellowship (assegno per la collaborazione ad attività di ricerca), within the project PRIN 2022 CUP: E53D23003450006 identification code 2022KL5792_003 named “Numerical modelling of slope-atmosphere interaction processes triggering shallow landslides” by Department DICAM. The selection is based on the evaluation of qualifications and an interview may follow.