Department CIBIO – Call for the selections for the awarding of no. 1 research fellowship for the coverage of a PHD position HE MSCA-ETN (Decree no. 470/2022)
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A selection process has been called for the awarding of no. 1 Research Fellowship (assegno per la collaborazione ad attività di ricerca) for the coverage of a PHD position HE MSCA-ETN named “Dissecting alterations of nuclear compartmentalization in CPs: from LLPS to molecular dynamics” by Department CIBIO. The selection is based on the evaluation of qualifications and an interview may follow.
In order to apply please connect to the following link: and fill in the on line application form
Update 1: WARNING: the deadline for the application has been postponed until 25th August 2023 at 12 pm (noon, Italian time).
Update 2: ERRATA CORRIGE: we hereby inform all candidates that in order to be eligible for the call it is not necessary to fulfil the following condition mentioned at art. 2 within the requirement Researcher status: young researchers [should be] in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers.